Sunday 3 November 2013

It certainly is a journey

In the middle of the night....

Yes it's 2am & Im pondering over all things creative/business, the blog is called the journey so far & I feel that my little business is progressing, it feels a very reflective blog tonight!

I visited the Humber Bridge Farmers Market today, I think this is the one to do - I haven't looked at how much they want for a table yet but the footfall looks good, it's only once a month - downside - it's outside, but Im made of strong stuff so Im sure Ill survive.

I wrote last time about the benefits of having a regular base, but another perceived benefit - it should be good for for advertising!

Profitability - did a bookkeeping and financial  management course, how often we under value ourselves, so today I actually sat down and broke my prices down for a wet felting workshop, I was surprised how little was left over at the end for me! You forget about things like tax, travelling costs your hourly rate outside the actual workshop time... A two hours course, well add another hour for set up/pack up an hour journey time and then the prep at home, the washing of all the kit after the event (& I haven't factored in elec & washing up powder costs) and that hourly rate doesn't look so good!

Nobody likes a price rise but Im not going to be able to do it if something doesn't give!

So I am learning all the time, it is a slow process, but with my little one & a part time job I think I can be forgiven ;p
(Also wondering how to slide a little volunteering in there too...) 

Friday 1 November 2013

Middle of the night munchings & musings

I knew that things would calm down on the blogging front but I can't believe it has been so long!

I have been visiting a few local markets and fairs looking for inspiration and Christmas prezzies, I am impressed with the dedication of some of these traders, I understand that it is cheeper than having a shop base but it was mighty cold.

It is also good that they are regular, as customers - like me - see what they like and plan to go back. Should I commit to a regular stall?

Would there be time in addition to the workshops - it is always about the time!

Seriously need to develop a few more workshops too and of course work on my advertising!

I am trying abit of embroidery on some of my felt and I need to do the packaging on my latest needle felted creations, and my brain is a whirl of creative ideas as usual!

I also had a bracelet workshop for children which was good fun, celebrating the spooky season...

Well I've finished my cereal so it's back to bed for me - night