Friday 11 October 2013

The jumper that time forgot...

Yes it's the middle of the night again & my creative brain is off on one!
My little girl is fast asleep (now finishing this post I can tell you she slept amazingly, I did not!)

Excuse the ramblings but I am emptying my head so I hope I can sleep!

Been looking at Attic24's blog - looking at the bunting from Yarndale

(Yarndale, the pictures look amazing. My friend Alison went to Yarndale & yes Im a little jealous, I need to get over this aversion to travelling!)

The photos where of yarn bombing, looks amazing, some very talented people out there. That is one of my ambitions to do abit of yarn bombing...

I am following such a fabulous list of inspiring blogs at the moment - truly wonderful.
Knitting is not my strong point, but I am so drawn to it, hence the title I aim to make a jumper (shhh it's for my dad - don't tell him) to make matters worse I am spinning up the wool & I haven't finished that either... One of my UFOs (unfinished objects) currently.
I believe there are 11 UFOs on the list - 5 of which are started knitted projects, but with all the inspiration I just want to start something new...

It didn't help that I also saw some beautiful patterns & wool at Humber Bridge farmers market, Millamia- have you heard of it?

So what is coming up...
Talked with like minded people today about our co op idea, need to work on that
At the weekend I've got a introduction to wet felting workshop which Im looking forward to - scope to develop some more workshops here too,
I need to follow up looking for suppliers too!

Will I get to do anything creative?

Friday 4 October 2013

Cushions - small but lovely

Right it is time to add some photos to this wordy blog,
These are some cushions that I have made using fibre from sarastexturecrafts

Merino Blend Felted
Above: It was a lovely blend that I wet felted into a piece, I had intended to cut it up to be made into decorations but it was just to lovely. 

Below: Using the same merino blend, I hand spun this on my Ashford traveller, my mum very kindly knitted it up for me - resulting in a perfect pair. 

Merino Blend Hand Spun Wool
They are a bit small for 'regular' cushions but are perfect to accent your room.

I was intending to sell them but they have become a useful teaching tool in my workshops, showing the versatility of fibre.

I am now also trying to solely use British Wool so I might have to make up some more

...any excuse!